Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tutoring resources pt. I

Hello math tutors and supporters! This blog post contains resources and interesting things to think about when working on math with students:

Short and sweet article on tutoring tips to use with students


TERC's library of free information about the Investigations math curriculum that the Boston Public Schools uses. Includes overviews of what grades cover in the year, sample sessions and even online teacher resources.


I've also been reading through a San Diego tutor's blog with tips and advice on math tutoring, as well as other student related topics. I haven't read through the entire blog, but what I have read is pretty good advice that I will definitely use in the future.

Although many of his posts are about higher math (middle school, high school, and standardized tests), there are a few highlights from Mr. Casteneda's blog that talk about tutoring in general:

The importance of students knowning their multiplication tables.

Leading questions I use often to get students to explain their reasoning.

Comments on ADHD. Personally, I agree with Mr. Casteneda on ADHD. It came out of nowhere as a behavior problem for students and children and everyone started medicating and diagnosing children for it. Back in my day, ADHD didn't exist! Or more accurately, ADHD wasn't a 'condition' that had a list of symptoms. From the previous blog post: "I wish more parents would [take] the time to bust the "ADHD" label into pieces, and figure out what exactly is going on behind appearances in the particular case of their child." Although I don't know very much about ADHD or the medical procedures for diagnosing ADHD, I feel like ADHD is a label adults and children use to avoid figuring out and working to solve the root cause of attention deficits.

A blog post on encouraging postive thinking in students who don't feel like they're good at math.

And finally, a post on the unexpected skills tutors gain.

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